Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Super Son

My son is three. But he thinks he's 40.

He tries very hard to be grown up. He is my big helper--watching out for his sister and feeding the cat each morning.

I don't ask him to do either.

My mother recently bought him Superman pajamas.

He wears them everywhere. People stop us and say, "Hi, Superman!" He gives them this look, out of the corner of his eyes, and says, "I'm just a kid."

I don't know why he can't just allow himself to make believe something completely, and I so wish he could. But I love the innocence his response shows. In his mind, these people really believe he is Superman, and he needs to clear it up for them.

Or maybe he's tricking them and just doesn't want them to know his true identity.

I'll let you know if he disappears in to any phone booths.

Whatever the case... he couldn't be any more super to me.


LitaH said...

Maybe he's being really honest--that's certainly admirable!

Ryan Platte said...


Our kids tend to go the other way: a stick or other very minor prop gets them going on flights of fancy and they want all strangers nearby to know all the details.